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32nd death anniversary of our beloved founder leader Com.S.W.Kalvit and 1st Death Anniversary of another great leader Ex-S.G Sri.K.Chandrasekharan.

Dear Comrades,

Tomorrow the 5th of Feb 2019 is the *32nd death anniversary of our beloved founder leader Com.S.W.Kalvit and 1st Death Anniversary of another great leader Ex-S.G Sri.K.Chandrasekharan.

It is most unfortunate that this day we had lost two of our most revered leaders of NFIFWI. We pay our respects to the great souls who sacrificed their life to fight for the security and welfare of Dev.Officers class & growth of LIC. We salute the great leaders and pledge to follow their path to achieve our goals of protecting LIC, security, dignity, self respect and prosperity for all. Let us rededicate ourselves to the cause of NFIFWI. 

Long live Com.Kalvitji, Long Live Com.K.Chandrasekharan ji,

*Com.Kalvit amar rahe, Com.K.Chandrasekharan amar rahe.* 

All units are requested to pay respectful homage & observe remembrance Day in a befitting manner.